A great teacher reminded me this morning to “get out of my mind” and into my soul through my heart and feelings to find my answers…which led to this email to you and others of my network and clients.
With my last funds last week I booked a one-way ticket Cape Town to London flying June 9 on British Air. I am excited and feel on track with my Life Purpose and Dream Destiny of sharing my healing work with millions of people worldwide through talks and workshops… but especially through publishing my book entitled
Breakfree from the Past to Feel Good Fast
9 Proven Ways to Tap, Cry, Laugh, Sigh your way
To a life of Health, Joy and Well Being
By Caryl Rose Morgan
It is the natural outflow of my thousands of hours over the past seven years applying various emotional-energy healing self help tools with clients one-to-one and in workshops. These were shown to me thanks to studying, interviewing and training with the most amazing self-help teachers or Earth Angels in the world today.
As I have healed myself from my toxic childhood and later the stormy hopeless years of my marriage, so I have by the Grace of God been shown how to PAY IT FORWARD and EARN MY LIVING helping others change their lives! Fast and effectively… healing feelings in minutes.
From this gift, watered in between by my tears of loneliness, frustration and financial insecurity, has come a powerful, truthful book growing like me from embryo to seed to fledgling seedling.
Now with total clarity I know IT IS TIME to show my belief in myself and re-plant my life and work in international soil to GROW BIG.
So I am reaching out to you to ask if you will be one of the first people in the world to pre-buy my book for R200? This will include postage to an address you specify. Please email me marvella.rose@gmail.com confirmation and your postal address details as follows:
I believe in you Caryl Rose and wish to pre-buy 1/2/3/4 or more book/s @ R200 each
Postal Address:
Phone number:
Total R
I expect to receive your book by Christmas 2007 if not earlier!
Bank Nedbank,
Branch Rondebosch Code: 104809
Account name C S Morgan
Account number 104 804 7075 Account type: cheque/current
My intention is for the book to be beautifully self-published and in your hands by Christmas 2007. Meanwhile I have set the intent to secure a Literary Agent and a contract with a UK/USA Publisher like Hay House in which case the book will then be re-published by Christmas 2008.
Very clear and very simple.
Ultimately what’s in it for you? And anyone you choose to buy it for? You will get …a simple, practical, well written self-help book using easy to learn tools to boost you and your family and loved ones through stress, anxiety, anger, pain. As well as ways to step into an amazing flowing joyous life filled with love, confidence and true success. Main topics will deal with the Monster issues I myself have had to overcome and helped others have life-changing break-throughs.
* self-confidence & self-worth;
*overcoming overeating and addictions;
*love and relationships;
*fear of heights, public speaking
*writer's/artist's block
The book will be sprinkled with many heart warming, funny and true stories – my own – plus those of you who give me permission to use them – with or without your names. Believe me, my only challenge is which ones to leave out from the hundreds of testimonies you have sent from as far afield as Canada, Dubai, Zimbabwe, Namibia and of course SA.
Before I even finished writing this email, I got a call and my first pledge of R200 from Sylvia Muzzel, my dear friend and partner in The Journey who believed in me when bringing Brandon Bays to SA way back in 2000 was a similar dream in my heart.
I know I can count on your support,especially in holding the vision of the book in print and a number one seller on Amazon, changing a million lives... one person at a time.
With all my love,
Caryl Rose Morgan
1 comment:
I am definitely purchasing Caryl's book in advance. After what she has done this past month to turn my life around 360 degrees in two sessions with EFT and Journeywork, all I can say is Thank you Caryl Rose Morgan! You are fantastic!
I invited Caryl to speak on my one hour talk show on radio where she joined me for several episodes speaking about EFT, Journey Work and Laughter Yoga. Many people have benefited from her knowledge and experience which she shares with great professionalism and enthusiasm. I advise you to give Caryl a try; you will feel good real fast!
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