Thursday, November 30, 2006

FREE TALK Joburg Tuesday Dec 13 at 6pm

You are invited to a Free Talk by Caryl Rose Morgan entitled: Getting On Track with Your Life Purpose with... Breakfree,Yes!
Tuesday December 13 at 6-8pm
305 Long Ave, Ferndale, Randburg

In this talk I will explain the outline of the weekend workshop described in the previous post. Let me sum it up by sharing with you my Mission Statement...

My Mission or Life Purpose is to help people like you "Breakfree,Yes!" from stuck feelings, patterns, beliefs and cell memories holding you back from your goals, dreams, success, self-worth and wellbeing.The result, proven by hundreds of my clients, is to re-ignite your Passion, Power and Purpose with freedom to experience joy, love, health, money, success in all areas of your life.

My passion is transforming and inspiring via writing, speaking and teaching. So I love to share with love and gratitude the benefit of my years of amazing Grace meeting, promoting and training with with some of the world's top self-help healing experts.

WHY SHOULD YOUR LIFE BE RUINED, BLOCKED, CONTAMINATED OR HELD-BACK NOW because of trauma or abusive treatment by toxic caregivers or influences in the past?

The alternative you face by keeping this pain shut down inside is that feelings buried alive never die and can result in increasing problems in your life - physical or emotional. So join me to get back on track with your Life Purpose!

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Pssst… Let me show you the real “Secret” to…


ACTIVATE YOUR POWERFUL MAGIC GENIE who promises “Your Wish is My Command

as seen in the movie THE SECRET

Caryl Rose Morgan says…

Let me hand you the keys to the vault of all the good and riches you can imagine or desire. After I watched The Secret recently and applied the same tools I promise to teach you this weekend, I signed property sales worth R6m and got a call first from Penguin Books, and then from a more exciting UK E-book partner, for my tell-all new book, ‘Internet Dating Success Secrets Revealed.’

What one passionate dream or goal do YOU want to ACTIVATE?

What’s stopping you? Your time is now.

Gauteng December 15-17, 2006; January 20/21, 2007

Venue 305 Long Street, Randburg

Fri Dec 15th 8-10pm Introductory talk and screening of The Secret

Sat Dec 16th am – 5pm EFT* Training Day. Sky-rocket your power of intent as you clear the glitches of negativity and self sabotage and shift your limiting wealth blueprint to make money your friend.

*Emotional Freedom Techniques the fastest growing coaching tool and meridian therapy in the world. 80% success rate with issues as varied as migraines, weight loss, addictions PLUS self-sabotage and peak performance in sport and business.

Sun Dec 17th 9am-5pm Practical tips and tools to activate the Laws of Attraction & Wellbeing. Master the Magic Alchemy of Wealth, Health, Success & Love.

As seen in the movie THE SECRET you know your "thoughts become things.” But what if your body-memory is holding onto old patterns, pain or beliefs that block your intentions?

Learn practical tools to Breakfree,Yes! from stuck thoughts, feelings and energy blocks.

*Master EFT with hands on practice and live sessions

*Receive a manual and set of Gary Craig's CDs

Review how to apply the Laws of Attraction

Access your Inner Guidance, Intuition, Core Essence and Soul Purpose

Release past patterns - no matter how long ago you buried them

Tune into and embrace ALL your feelings

Amp up what brings you Joy and makes you FEEL GOOD

Enhance your Goal setting via the Power of Passion; Scripting, Journalling

Voice out loud your Future Life with a technique called Electric Dreaming

Paint Your Dream Alive using collage and other visual means of self expression

Start your Vision Boards NOW


Email or cell 083 444 88 18 OR SKYPE CarylRose

Caryl Rose has trained with and promoted the world’s best self-help gurus including Brandon Bays (The Journey), Byron Katie (The Work) and Barefoot Doctor. An acclaimed Journey and EFT Practitioner, she has facilitated thousands of hours of “breakfree” therapies. Through her company Sirius PR & Marketing she is also involved in global web marketing & copywriting for E-books/CDs & Seminars on transformation, self-help and wealth creation.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Thank You


Thank You
Thank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank You

Joy in your life can come from one powerful feeling - the feeling of gratitude. In the moments you can say Thank You Life, Universe, Divine Spirit... in those moments you are in tune with the creative juices of abundance, love, wisdom, health, wealth, infinite riches and Grace.
A great sage once said that it is enough if we only ever offer one prayer - and that prayer is Thank You

Thank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank You

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Namaste! More on T/Breath

"Namaste!" The God in me greets the God in you. As I completed my first one-on-one Transformational Breathing session with Joost today I felt the surge of love and gratitude that accompanies a therapy session well-done. And instead of saying "I love you - you held me in a terrific safe space to release and heal and transform...and I could just hug you!" instead I put my hands together in the prayer position and bowing slightly forward, said: "Namaste" and he did the same. For me this is the perfect reminder that in his session, as in my work with clients, it is Grace - and not the Ego - guiding the process.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


On her website http://www.breathe2000. com you can read lots more on Transformational Breathwork. To sum up...

Judith Kravitz has extensive training and experience in teaching Yoga, Rebirthing, and Kundalini. Transformational Breathing incorporates the best from each - and much more - to insure the fastest, most reliable way to cause a complete and lasting shift in physical, emotional, and spiritual awareness and ability.

Q: How does Transformational Breathing work?
Your facilitator will use proven gentle movement and sound vibration techniques, as well as simple core affirmations, to help you achieve and maintain the wave-like "full circular breath" pattern. This activates a high frequency of electromagnetic vibration throughout the body/mind. According to the scientific principle of entrainment, stubborn, low frequency energy patterns are raised and transformed in the presence of the higher frequency energy state. Low energy "blockages" are thereby eliminated.


Breathing for healing. Breathing for joy. Breathing to transform yourself and your life.
Wow. Sounds fantastic and easy doesn't it? You know this blog is dedicated to sourcing and helping you apply the world's leading edge self-help tools of transformation.

Sooo...breathe now please, deeply (into your belly!) and learn how you can transform your life for joy, health, love and wellbeing with the spirit of your own intention and BREATH.

On Friday night I heard a talk by Transformational BreathTrainer and Faclitator Joost Maijvis a Hollander working in Germany, Turkey and South Africa with ... breathing. A grace-guided, powerful approach to using conscious connected breathwork to transform your life.
Joost Maijvis

After he chose me for a demo at his talk and accurately read my personality just from watching for a minute how I breathe... and then encouraging me to do a few minutes of connected breathing, doing a little "body mapping" by touching me lightly here and there as I breathed in front of the group, I was smitten and booked to do his one-day workshop the next day.

That was yesterday.

What a FANTASTIC experience. Although I have over the years experienced breathwork in Re-birthing, yoga breathing and Holotropic breathwork - I was thrilled to be re-introduced to my breath, my life and my life purpose in a whole new and joyous way.

As we breathe, so shall we live

In 1999 Joost, a deep sea diver and snow-board enthusiast, met Judith Kravitz, the co-creator of Transformational Breathwork (TB) and after tasting the power of her work went on to train and dedicate his life to being a TB facilitator.

He tells how Judith was originally a Re-birther in the style of Leonard Orr. Re-birthing teaches upper chest connected breath, mainly to heal our birth trauma for as we take our first breath, so often do we live for the rest of our lives. When Judith, who is also a doctor of metaphysics, healed a throat tumour by infusing breath with sound and affirmations, she took breathwork to a new level of inspiration and co-creation and has since been the "birth-mother" for thousands worldwide to transform their lives through breathing this way.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

SKYWALKING from Polarity to Peace

NELSON MANDELA, Nobel Peace prize winner and world symbol of hope and forgiveness in the face of crushing odds, turned 88 years old, July 18, 2006.

Willing to fight, and if necessary die, for democratic freedom for black and white people alike, Mandela later wrote after his release from 27 years of imprisonment: "It was during those long and lonely years that I knew as well as I knew anything that the oppressor must be liberated just as surely as the oppressed...for both alike are robbed of their humanity."

Nelson Mandela may have been confined by his captors to a tiny cell on Robben Island, off Capetown. But in his mind and heart he was free. And lived to claim his freedom. He became the first President of a free, non-racial South Africa, 1994-8.


Or do you live in the self-imposed prison of your mind and heart? This Blog is offering you some of the most powerful and effective tools I know to help you break free from destructive thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

Negativity tends to create a downward spiral..."the worse you get, the worse life gets."

Positivity magnetises more of itself in a magical way.

But many masters talk about finding the "middle way" often described as unity consciousness, Nivarna, or "enlightenment."

Leslie Temple-Thurston is a South African-born teacher-healer-author who lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Growing up in South Africa during the oppressive days of Apartheid motivated her spiritual quest to heal the extreme polarizations in human consciousness that divide people and drive them to the most inhumane policies and conduct.

Her work releases us from our small Ego to access the LUMINOUS CORE or DIVINE SELF within.
# Step 1. Pick a "bad" or troubling experience. Either recent or way back from childhood.

# Step 2. Write it out - feelings, thoughts, state of mind, like a child spilling out the story to a friend or parent.
Be descriptive and include all you felt about the person/people involved.

# Step 3. Pick out the most charged THEME words and phrases with a coloured marker
or highlighter. For example, words like ANGER, SHOCK, GUILT, HELPLESS,CONFUSED, PAIN, INSENSITIVE JERK

# Step 4. Make a list of THEME WORDS & PHRASES.

# STEP 5. Find the OPPOSITES.

So having listed the Theme words on the left hand side of a page - draw a line.Then list the OPPOSITE of each word on the right hand side of the page.

You are delving into your unconscious and will often get an AHA as the hidden side of the dark/light; good/bad polarity awakens within you.

Ask higher consciousness to take these polarized states of mind, and bring them into balance... so that clarity and a new level of seeing come to you.

NB offer up both Positive and Negative sides of the Polarity.Then GIVE THANKS, knowing all will be well.

Wait a few minutes. Wash dishes or make a cup of tea. You may feel an inner shift or later have vivid dreams. Next day you may even experience a meaningful insight.

Leslie Temple-Thurston offers other polarity-balancing exercises called TRIANGLES and SQUARES in her book THE MARRIAGE OF SPIRIT .

Collapsing the story the Ego seeks to polarize you with, helps you to detach from extreme points of view. Notice the shifts that occur in your life as a result of the Polarity Work.

Expect to become centred, balanced, relaxed and joyful. Leslie calls it SKYWALKING...
Vist Leslie's site at

"There is an old saying that the brave die once,but the coward dies a thousand times."

Friday, August 04, 2006

Freedom Is...Brandon Bays

Ten out of Ten AND HALLELULIA! I want to sing the praises for mind-body self-help author Brandon Bays and her new book Freedom Is... which I have been soaking up today.
In my previous post I went into detail about how the Journey can save/change your life at cellular level. Also on my website you will see a special page with pics of me and Brandon under the section entitled The Journey.

I recently was called on to give a talk on The Journey and we gave away a free copy of Brandon's book at the talk. I had not bought it yet - but Grace guided me to revisit my journey over the past 6 years since I first picked up that blue and gold book called The Journey and read about her incredible story of tapping into FORGIVENESS and a step-by-step process to heal the football size tumour that had grown in her uterus while she was living an exemplary life working for Anthony Robbins.

In praying for guidance as to the emotional-memory associated with the tumour, Brandon accessed a self-help tool that has since changed the lives of thousands world-wide, resulting in "miraculous" healings both physical and mental and emotional... depression, anger, powerlessness... pain, cancer, eczma, all kinds of dis-ease - the Journey truly changes lives at soul or cellular level.

After ten years of travelling, teaching and catapulting the Journey work to thousands worldwide, Brandon describes in Freedom Is... many of the truths I learned from her first-hand as her publicist and business partner launching The Journey and workshops in South Africa. I worked and travelled with her... even lived for six months in her personal meditation room in the UK at her invitation to continue as her PR in London...the work I began for her in SA.

The intent was to accompany her to the USA - but 9-11 changed all that and so all I can say now, looking back is THANK YOU Brandon and her husband and business partner, KEVIN. For your belief in me... for the generosity that outshone anything I had ever known in my life.
For the blessing of grace you transmitted to me during my time with you and The Journey.

I am gob-smacked to realise so much of the teaching is alive and part of how I get to be in such joy in my own life and yes, mostly, I say with all humility, I live the truths she taught me by example... almost every day of my life.

She truly is a great example of someone living in the light of love and grace and I am so grateful for her high standards and uncompromising stance on how things had to be done in the light of NOW and TRUTH.

Above all, I want to say to all of you reading this... always take that first step
a) to pray for guidance no matter how bleak your life looks.
b) to just follow the tiniest steps you are shown even if you feel you are almost going ahead blindly.

Sometimes it is in the darkest moment that you GIVE UP the thoughts and beliefs that are the mainstay of your life - ha ha actually what is keeping you stuck - and in that free falling into even greater darkness the arms of Grace reach out and embrace you... That happened to me. I actually got down on my hands and knees in a chapel and told God to "take me home... to allow me to die - or find something worthwhile to do to make a difference in the world... and save my own life and reason for being on the earth."

You see at the time in October 1999, after a fire had flattened most of my home and taken our beloved border collie Sparky, my heart cracked in two. I was fat, flat broke and finished. My 25-year marriage which had always been a co-dependent struggle of oil-and-water personalities, began to crumble irrevocably and my then-husband and I separated with more relief than angst. But because we parted emotionally and financially bankrupt... I had no choice but to face a bleak future almost 50 and FINISHED.

And then along came Brandon Bays as I picked up her book The Journey in a guiding angels whispered for me to invite her to SA and offer to organise her publicity... and as I took the steps, one at a time, enough light was put ahead of me in the headlights of my inspiration to get it done - only the wings of Grace could have made possible what today is one of the biggest success stories in the mind-body-healing field in my country... and perhaps, in some real way, the growth of healing worldwide. Visit the Journey website at

Thursday, August 03, 2006



If you've ever been bullied, mugged, hijacked or experienced even the threat of

violence,then you know the meaning of being "scared stiff."

In my own experience, even being witness to others around you being violated by

harsh treatment - say your siblings or fellow pupils at school - can have a devasting

affect on the nervous system.


Take the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, September 11. All of us,around the

world, remember the shock and inner turmoil we felt witnessing on television and

in the media the devastation of the Twin Tower attack.

At the time I was in the UK, working for mind-body-spirit healer Brandon Bays,

pioneer of The Journey healing technique which I apply in my healing practice.

A New Yorker by birth, Brandon was poised to launch her book The Journey, already

a best-seller in the UK, South Africa and Australia...into the USA.... that very


Instead,all publicity plans cancelled, she organised to run a free-of-charge Healing

Day for the people of New York - which we held at the Lighthouse in central NY in

October, a month after the disaster.

I flew from the UK to be with Brandon and her team to assist at that event.

The acrid smell of the disaster, still rife in the area; the heart-wrenching

Wall of Remembrance set up near where the clean-up crews were still working

was something I will remember for the rest of my life.


During the Healing Day Workshop we applied the unique inner-directed process

called The Journey to access and release past trauma, buried in the body's cellular

memory.The painful theme which had been unearthed by the terrorist attack was...

sexual abuse.

For many people there, the shock of 911 had activated long-buried, never spoken about,

violence against their persons during childhood.

When you are in danger the "fight-flight" response takes over in the body to

help you survive. Breathing, alertness,blood pressure, heart rate, go up.

Digestive, productive and immune systems decrease in activity.


Brandon Bays herself came from a childhood of violence - physical, emotional

and sexual.

In her book THE JOURNEY : A Road Map To The Soul, Brandon describes

how in 1992 she was diagnosed with a football-size uterine tumor, despite leading an

exemplary healthy lifestyle. She was devastated and prayed to be shown a way to

heal it without resorting to drugs or surgery. She believes The Journey came from

that prayer, showing her a way to release the triggering traumas of old emotional

pain from the body cells.She called this unique inner-directed process


It helps people to experience profound emotional and physical healing at the deepest

level. The soul already knows what needs to be "dealt with, forgiven and let go."

The Journey facilitates a safe place to access and release the Younger You with

buried feelings during a "flight-flight" intense or traumatic time in the past.

Using this same method, thousands of people all over the world have healed many

physical and emotional problems - including anger, grief, depression, chronic illness,

tumours, arthritis, addictions and low self-esteem.


You might want to read the book yourself - but in the meanwhile, I will

sum up the principles - which I myself have used to completely transform my own

health and wellbeing. Not to mention the lives and happiness of hundreds of others

in workshops and one-to-one sessions.


The 6 main steps that I take a client through to "clear out" and heal feelings

are as follows, making sure you have a safe, quiet place to process. All feelings

are welcome...sad, mad, glad - and tears signify great releasing!

#1 Choose a Present Day Issue which hooks or upsets you and Pray or Intend

that you are going within on a Journey into your deepest self to access the

root cause - what set you up in your earlier experiences to be running this

present-day disempowering programme?

Think of it as a computer virus that you want to find and delete from your

thinking-feeling programming!

#2 Call in a Mentor or Guide to be at your side throughout the experience.

Close your eyes and feel your feelings - where in the body is each feeling stored?

*Feel each feeling fully - then drop through it to another level beneath or at

the core of it.

*Note where you get the strongest feeling. What painful memory or person is

linked to the feeling?

#3 THE CAMPFIRE. The Mentor sets up a campfire with the Present Day You and the Younger You who was hurting. The scene of the memory or person (above) is played

out on a video screen and then the Other Person/People involved are

invited down to join the group at the Campfire.


*Encourage a dialogue between the Younger You and the Hurtful Other in which You

as the Child "empty out" and get to say all the things and express the feelings

which went unsaid at the time.

*The Hurtful Other gets to respond in a back-and-forth dialogue, helping the Child

understand their behaviour was borne of their own pain and THE CHILD IS NOT TO BLAME.


The Mentor then gives the Child Inner Resources (in balloon form)

that he/she didn't have at the time. Courage, Wisdom, Strength, Self-Worth,

Self-Protection, the Ability to Speak up and Seek Help; Joy and Play etc.And putting

the old scene up on a video screen,encourages the Child to REPLAY THE SCENE as it might have happened with these empowering resources.

This re-scripting is known in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) as a "memory-change" and ultimately frees the Child Within to collapse the negative charge or intensity

of the past giving YOU CHOICE in YOUR responses in the present.


As Scott Peck has said, beware of "cheap forgiveness" - it is only after all of the

above, plus some thorough extra techniques that I use (cutting the ties that bind etc) that both Your Child and Present Day self can review the pain of the past and "forgive" and let go.

Brandon Bays says herself that FORGIVENESS was the key that unlocked the final

healing of her football-size tumour, allowing her body to heal it six-and-a-half weeks. That was 10 years ago!

Read about Brandon Bays and her remarkable story in The Journey and The Journey for Kids or visit her website at and consider how inspired YOU COULD BE if you released an old wound or programme from YOUR past which is causing you physical or emotional pain or shut-down.

Until then - remember... your feelings are the GATEWAY TO YOUR SOUL!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


The most often referenced interview in the film What the BLEEP Do We Know!?TM is Dr. Joe Dispenza's comments on creating his day. Acknowledging the script from the text below, I hereby declare my own INTENT for this Blog to uplift and inspire and help you my dearest reader/s be healed, free and whole to live your life ON TRACK WITH YOUR LIFE PURPOSE.

You will discover practical and life-changing tools and ideaswhich I have gleaned, used with wonderful results in my own life - and in thousands of hours of coaching/ intuitive healing with my own clients using releasing techniques which I will describe fully as I go. My whole life and intensely for the past five years I have gathered leading-edge self-help tools from healers and courses all over the world.

So let's begin by giving the AMAZING tool of your own power of intent, each day.

I Create My Day
"I wake up in the morning and I consciously create my day the way I want it to happen. Now sometimes, because my mind is examining all the things that I need to get done, it takes me a little bit to settle down and get to the point of where I'm actually intentionally creating my day. But here's the thing: When I create my day and out of nowhere little things happen that are so unexplainable, I know that they are the process or the result of my creation. And the more I do that, the more I build a neural net in my brain that I accept that that's possible. (This) gives me the power and the incentive to do it the next day.

"So if we're consciously designing our destiny, and if we're consciously from a spiritual standpoint throwing in with the idea that our thoughts can affect our reality or affect our life -- because reality equals life -- then I have this little pact that I have when I create my day. I say, 'I'm taking this time to create my day and I'm infecting the quantum field. Now if (it) is in fact the observer's watching me the whole time that I'm doing this and there is a spiritual aspect to myself, then show me a sign today that you paid attention to any one of these things that I created, and bring them in a way that I won't expect, so I'm as surprised at my ability to be able to experience these things. And make it so that I have no doubt that it's come from you,' and so I live my life, in a sense, all day long thinking about being a genius or thinking about being the glory and the power of God or thinking about being unconditional love.

"I'll use living as a genius, for example. And as I do that during parts of the day, I'll have thoughts that are so amazing, that cause a chill in my physical body, that have come from nowhere. But then I remember that that thought has an associated energy that's produced an effect in my physical body. Now that's a subjective experience, but the truth is is that I don't think that unless I was creating my day to have unlimited thought, that that thought would come."

(Dr. Joe Dispenza in What the BLEEP Do We Know!?TM)